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One eSIM card to
travel the world

Flexible regional and local Internet DATA packs in over 138 travel destinations.

    esim app

    Boost your signal

    Get connected everywhere with all available carriers in the country you visit, including the most expensive carriers with the best coverage - all using our eSIM card.

    Prepare yourself for something new

    Check out the core features you get with our eSIM DATA plans

    • boost your signal with esim card
      Boost your signal

      Switch between all available carriers in a country to boost your signal.

    • Your personal Hotspot
      Your personal Hotspot

      Share your Internet to as many devices as you

    • Rechargeable esim DATA plan
      Rechargable DATA plan

      Recharge your DATA plan and avoid instalment process every time you purchase a new package

    Goodbye SIM card!
    Hello future.

    Connect to a network in just minutes free from a traditional, plastic SIM card.

    Telesim for ioT devices

    With Telesim, IoT devices can be updated and connected remotely and at scale—deploy and manage connectivity for thousands of devices at the touch of a button.